Free NH Umpire and Coaches Clinic
NH Little League partners with the Positive Coaching Alliance to provide additional FREE resource in person clinic to coaches who are looking to elevate their coaching.
District 2 Tournament Schedule
NH Little League hosted the 2nd annual umpire clinic at the NH Sports Dome Saturday afternoon.
NH Little League hosted the first ever statewide rules clinic at Goffstown High School Friday evening.
On Sunday, March 24 the district hosted a PCA clinic with Coach Randy on integrating the concepts of double goal coaching into practices and games for 30 coaches from both D1 and D2
Little League in New Hampshire held an interactive PCA coaching workshop at the indoor training facility of the New Hampshire Fisher Cats on Tuesday March 12th.
New Hampshire District 2 Little League now officially offers Softball
Have a interest in becoming a umpire? How about learning more about the rules of Little League Baseball and Softball?
Both New Hampshire Little League districts teamed up to host the first ever free umpire clinic this past weekend.
Kathie Lynch Portsmouth, New Hampshire 03801
Phone: 603-396-8651
Email: [email protected]